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Getting ready for the trip


El projecte d'intercanvi i els seus objectius

A Shared History - A Shared Future - Barcelona and Amsterdam

Aquest any alumnes de 4t d'ESO de l'Institut Front Marítim i del Berlage Lyceum d'Amsterdam es tornaran a trobar per compartir coneixements i experiències a través d'activitats acadèmiques durant tot el curs.

En el viatge d'intercanvi viuran de primera ma una forma de vida diferent de la que coneixen a la seva ciutat i aprendran aspectes de la cultura i l'art de la ciutat que visiten. El projecte també te com a objectiu crear ciutadans conscients de la importància de la Unió Europea i els seus lligams. 

Els nostres alumnes aprendran aspectes de la història comuna dels Països Baixos i Espanya a través d'una classe d'història i de l'estudi d'obres d'art del segle XVII. Al seu torn, els alumnes holandesos faran un recorregut per l'art i la cultura catalans a través de les classes i les visites als principals monuments històrics i museus del nostre país.

Tota la comunicació entre els alumnes serà en llengua anglesa i castellana, de manera que tots ells milloraran la seva fluidesa en les llegües estrangeres que estudien respectivament.

En aquest projecte hi participaran tots els alumnes de 4t, encara que no tots podran gaudir del viatge d'intercanvi. 

Extracte de l'original del projecte presentat per la beca Erasmus+

Institut Front Marítim and Berlage Lyceum, from Amsterdam, will be involved in a one-year project consisting of different stages of cooperation. The schools involved in this project have a long lasting history of cooperation, but we are ambitious to improve our methods every year.

The project centers on the importance of the European Union and aims to create awareness of that through a project that starts virtual and is finished in the physical realms of Berlage Lyceum during the first exchange of our program. 

Later on, we focus on our communal history through famous art works from the 17th century which show the facets of history in which both countries interacted.  

Students will learn how our countries have been through times of war and peace. They will enrich their cultural and historical knowledge while in that process also learning about the importance of crosscultural cooperation. They will develop a more global and open mindset towards people from other cultures, which will foster an interest in these cultures for the rest of their lives. 

As all communication will take part in either their second or third language, they will also greatly improve their language proficiency allowing for open channels of conversation among inhabitants of these two member states. 

During the physical exchanges, the educational focus is equally divided between authentic experiences of school life, cultural activities as well as excursions to institutions of higher learning to create and foster a longer lasting interest in the partner country. 

Students are selected based on their motivation to join the project and willingness to both learn from another country as well as teach others about their own. Throughout the year, student and teacher evaluations will help maintain the quality of the experience.

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